

Linkin Park 聯合公園,我最喜歡的樂團。2007年11月16在中山足球場,吸引將近4萬名樂迷朝聖(我也在裡面!!)。


快克殺手2 推薦無雷文 )
預告片的也有Linkin Park的歌 Given up,跟電影節奏十分的搭。

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在電影結束後,還特別放映了Chester跟Jason Statham的NG畫面,因為兩個男人摩阿摩的,Jason 說他很難不笑場。


關於為什麼Chester會來串場快克殺手,mike(我,不是Linkin Park的Mike)找到了LPU會員訪問稿。
以及ptt鄉民ChesterB的翻譯(他有B,不是Linkin park的Chester)


BearSnugsFox says (17:15):  Can you tell us something about your experience
with acting in Crank 2 and your enconuter with Jason Statham? Love from
Q: 你可以告訴我們你拍快客殺手2的事嗎? 還有你碰到Jason Statham的事
chesterbennington says (17:18): bearsungsfox- i would say that i have had a
lot of fun doing those movies.  my parts are really small and insignificant
but have been been really fun.  jason is super fun and takes it very
seriously.  he was a lot of fun to be around and really good at what he does.
A:和他們拍電影非常有趣 我的角色很小 很不重要 但是很有趣 Jason超有趣的
但他對片子很認真 在他周圍很開心

Q:你為啥會跑去演快客殺手 (大家還真有默契都問同樣問題)
chesterbennington says (17:19): carol-to-despreza- the idea came up because
they were shooting in the original movie, the opening scene where he wakes up
in that loft and burns out in the car- that was in the building i lived in.
 somehow the directors found out i was living there and got me through
management and asked if i would be interested in doing a small part. for the
next one they contacted me personally and said they'd think it was fun to
have me in it too. pretty easy actually!  i feel bad for actors that spend
their entire lives trying to get an audition
A: 他們拍第一集的時候 開場戲是他在一個閣樓醒來 然後在車裡被燒
   我就住在那棟樓裡 導演發現我住在那裏 然後就跑去問我的經紀人說我有沒有意願
   演個小角色 第二集 是他們自己連絡我說他們覺得再有我會很有趣
   還挺容易的 我對那些嘗試了一輩子要試鏡演員感到很難過


總之,他現在身體好了,而2009/8/13 Linkin Park又要來台灣囉!!!







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